Here’s everything you need to know about the 5-year hardware life cycle and how it allows businesses to operate within their hardware’s optimal lifespan.
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4 ways to be “the one that got away” from a phishing attack
Phishing scammers want your business to fall hook, line, and sinker. Check out these cyber awareness tips to ensure your business doesn’t take the bait!
Cloud vs. On-Premise Data Storage
Cloud, on-premise, and hybrid data storage solutions all have their perks. Varay weighs in on which one is right for your Texas or New Mexico organization.
Is your technology roadworthy? Computer assessments for business continuity
Don’t get stalled by broken-down tech. Take assessment of your equipment and plan for the unexpected with business technology management.
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP): Why You Should Make the Switch
Varay’s VoIP systems can mean free long distance calls, the end of monthly phone company bills, and some great business features.
Bringing It Home: Breaches and Phishing Hit Texas and New Mexico
People blame inept governments and individuals for allowing data breaches or theft via phishing scams, but no one is immune. | Varay, El Paso
Varay’s Managed Service Provider (MSP) Onboarding Process
MSP onboarding processes, up-front costs, and expectations. What are they, why do you need them, and is it worth the expense?
See What Google’s Data Gathering Has Learned About You
Google collects way more personal data about you than Facebook. Here’s how to see exactly what Google’s data gathering has learned about you.
Underused business tools in Office 365
Varay Managed IT in El Paso and San Antonio, TX gives you this pro tip: Do what your competition isn’t doing: Use these unsung business tools in Office 365.
How Do We Keep Future Tech Leaders in Texas?
El Paso has a tech brain drain problem, but we’ve got a nerdy little secret that can help: There are great IT jobs in El Paso! | Varay, El Paso & San Antonio