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Forecast: Top 3 Tech Areas to Watch

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Artificial intelligence and machine learning is one of the best tech fields to study | Varay, El Paso

The best tech fields to study today

Ah, to be young again. If I went back to school today, I’d focus on one of these three booming areas: artificial intelligence, security, or blockchain. I’d also try to fit a vegetable into my diet now and then instead of subsisting entirely on … well, let’s leave that in the past.


This is a perfect time to develop skills in AI, security, or blockchain. Students who pursue any of these three tech fields are in for an exciting career and likely reliable employment, not to mention a chance to impact the world by improving technology to address both historical and brand new problems.

These fields are exploding in their own right, but the really cool thing I’ve been noticing at conferences and in my reading is that they intersect with each other constantly. The future tech leaders who establish themselves at one of these intersections are in for a real (lucrative) ride.


The bustling intersection of artificial intelligence, security, and blockchain

Artificial intelligence & machine learning — In the high-speed 21st century, we’re encountering problems for which there is no human solution. Case in point: Twitter. I can’t even stop my relatives from inciting chaos at Thanksgiving dinner — imagine the monumental task of monitoring, identifying, and addressing dangerous behavior among 336 million active Twitter users.

But machine learning can process an incredible amount of information at breakneck speed and apply solutions, learning and improving as it goes.

Blockchain — Formerly identified only with Bitcoin cryptocurrency and the finance world, blockchain is now acknowledged as one of the best tech fields to study and explore for many purposes. As a virtual identity verifier and transaction tracker, blockchain may become the go-to tool for voting, the marketplace, investment management platforms, transportation, education, and law enforcement. This is exciting in its own right, but what happens when AI and blockchain meet up? We get tech that is more efficient, smart, connected, and secure than anything the world has seen before. Speaking of security …

Security — As technology becomes more complex, security threats become more sophisticated. So security steps up to the challenge. And the cycle continues! But digital cybersecurity may be in for a huge shift as we develop blockchain technology. When we work AI and machine learning into the mix, we’re going to see a lot of cybercriminals looking for new jobs.


These are all exciting, but security is our favorite

Varay stands beside you as a trusted partner. We’re passionate about securing your business and vetting new security technologies before we introduce them to our clients. If you want to minimize your security risks and maximize your performance, we’d love to talk.


Contact us today to set up a free visit to determine your IT score and secure your organization online.


Written by

Amanda at Varay


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