Many businesses don’t create realistic IT budgets, and live out the fiscal year in fear of equipment failure. Here’s how to budget better. | Varay, El Paso
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Formula One Monitoring
Business in the digital world is racing ahead, and Varay is here to help you make the most of today’s security and sophisticated monitoring technology.
Varay case study: Ransomware hits local healthcare
Ransomware hit a defenseless El Paso business, but Varay Managed IT now protects them from future attacks.
Working as a team, not just a company
Since we’re the people you trust to keep your business running, we’re highly intentional about nurturing a team that deeply understands and shares our values.
Patrick’s Perspective: Revolutionize your clients experience through communication
Technological advances are not just discoveries that make our everyday lives easier. They can mean a world of difference regarding the client experience. If you’re interested in improving your customer experience, a great place to start is not only to update your IT process but also to implement an IT strategy.
Here’s how V-Scale keeps your remote work infrastructure safe and effective
V-Scale, Varay’s new infrastructure service, streamlines your business’ #1 asset: the benefit of remote working. | Varay Managed IT, El Paso & San Antonio.
How to Create a Culture of Cyber Security at Work
Mandatory trainings aren’t enough. You have to create a culture of cyber security to ensure safe employee practices. | Varay, El Paso, San Antonio, Las Cruces
What Will Texas Bring to the IT Table?
Texas IT struggles to gain a place in the national scene, even though we’ve made some great advances in IT. Here’s why. | Varay, El Paso and San Antonio
PCI DDS Compliance
Varay can help you meet the Payment Card Industry Security Standards so you and your customers can enjoy confident, secure transactions.
Best Communication Tools to Replace Email
It takes mental energy and time to check emails all day. There’s a more efficient way to communicate: collaboration software for SMBs | Varay, Texas