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Hiring A MSP Can Be More Economical for Your Business

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A managed service provider will provide you the same amount of support and assistance as an in-house IT departmentIn just a matter of weeks, we’ve seen a big change in the working environment of many industries.

Many companies have asked their employees to work from home to comply with quarantine rules and save costs, some have had to furlough workers, and still others have had to lay off entire departments in their workforce just to keep the business afloat. In these uncertain times, every single dollar matters.


If you have a business continuity plan in place, adjusting to this unforeseen event was likely easier and cost you less than if not. One of the benefits of having a business continuity plan is mitigating financial and business risks. And if you haven’t done it already, it’s not too late to have one set up by your IT department. However, if a full-scale IT department is not in the budget, you can still make use of full-scale IT services with a managed service provider (MSP) at a fraction of the cost.

What is a managed service provider?

A managed service provider, such as Varay Managed IT, is a company that remotely manages another business’s IT system and infrastructure.

It provides assistance, support, and consultation services on a range of processes, including network, application, security, and infrastructure.

Basically, with an MSP, you are outsourcing all of your IT needs. For companies that do not need or want an entire IT department, MSPs are an excellent way to get all the advantages of full-time equivalent IT staff without paying the accompanying full-time equivalent salary.

Advantages of an MSP

Aside from reduced costs, signing up with an MSP can provide your company with lots of other benefits. Here are some:

 1. Drastically reduce your risk and liability

More than ever, when employees are working from home, businesses are most vulnerable because of all the unknown variables.

Managed service providers have specific industry knowledge, which includes compliance and security. They can provide expert advice regarding local, regional, and global regulations to make sure that your business is tightly adhering to these mandates.

2. Gain access to top IT talent like larger corporations

Larger companies can afford to maintain in-house IT support and attract top talents in the field.

For small-to-medium businesses with smaller budgets, hiring an MSP means that your company will have access to people with the same top-caliber skills that these large businesses employ and enjoy the same level of technology that they do.

3. Unexpected IT problems get resolved quicker

IT people who work in MSPs usually see the same or related problems cropping up from time to time in different frameworks and companies.

Almost no problem is new for them, and this gives them an edge in dealing with any issue that may arise. For this reason, entrusting your IT security to a managed service provider is the best course of action.

Since they have been exposed to numerous ways a company’s data can be compromised, they are better equipped to set up security standards and maintain them.

4. Flexible and scalable workforce

Businesses evolve with the times, and an MSP provides a company with the much-needed flexibility to grow with it. You can easily scale down or up the skills and services that you need depending on the direction your business is headed. In other words, you only pay for what you use.

5. Increased efficiency

New technology within a company usually means weeks or months of training for in-house employees before it can be fully implemented.

Outsourcing to a quality managed service provider like Varay will save you time and cost because their specialists will be bringing their knowledge and experience with them. Projects can be started almost immediately, allowing you to reap all the benefits without the long wait.

6. No more wasted time trying to fix IT hardware

Outsourcing your IT needs will free up valuable time for you to focus on your core business instead of getting sidetracked by IT concerns.

Make the leap to a more economical and profitable change.

Varay offers its years of professional experience to help you succeed in your mission. With strong trade knowledge and a team of accomplished experts, we’ll help transform your business for the better through our customized IT services. Contact us today to know more.

Written by

Amanda at Varay


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