We’re seeing more ransomware attacks on hospitals, and they cost far more than a ransom fee. Here’s how they gain system access|Varay, San Antonio & El Paso
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Take your supplements! Internal IT + supplemental IT for healthy balance
Even the best internal IT department can benefit from supplemental IT support. Find out if your team could use the boost that supplemental support provides!
Check out these new features: VoIP for businesses
Don’t answer the phone. Unless, that is, you’re set up with these amazing features with VoIP for your business! Varay Managed IT in San Antonio and El Paso
5 ways to make tech trends work for you
What tech fads has your SMB recently written off as silly and not worth your time? 3D printing, internet of things…Pokémon GO? Juvenile as they may seem at first, these trends helped to make a lot of businesses a lot of money. Navigating the quickly rising and falling...
Case Study: Fox Auto Group Eliminates Internet Downtime and Creates Business Expansion
If you’re looking for an IT management service that truly meets your needs, check out Fox Auto Group’s experience with Varay Managed IT, El Paso & San Antonio.
Disaster recovery policy [DRP procedure]
Varay Managed IT makes it easy to understand disaster recovery policies & procedures, and why businesses need them. Located in El Paso and San Antonio, TX.
Ransomware: The Next Big Cyber Security Threat
Don’t let hackers take your data hostage. Varay can help protect your business from ransomware and keep your files where they belong — under your control.
Patrick’s Perspective: Why you should use an IT strategy
Your IT department should be more than just the entity that solves tech problems for your business.
V-Scale eliminates up-front hardware costs while providing essential technology upgrades
Varay has a solution for how your business can wisely prioritize operational vs. capital expenses. | Varay Managed IT, El Paso & San Antonio.
4 steps for building the best study space in your home.
If you’re pursuing online education, set yourself up for success by building the best virtual learning environment | Varay Managed IT, El Paso & San Antonio