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Take your supplements! Internal IT + supplemental IT for healthy balance

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Lawrence is a fantastic IT guy.


As the company’s internal IT guru, he brings tremendous value to the business.

He understands the company’s strategy.

He understands the company’s work culture and users.


He’s never late to work (8:00 am, sharp!) and is often one of the last employees to clock out in the evening. Lawrence works hard to keep the business’ IT up and running, and he hasn’t taken a vacation in five years.


Next week, he’s taking a much-needed trip to the beach with his family. Soak up that sun, Lawrence —you deserve it!


But what happens to the company’s IT support when Lawrence is on vacation?

Handsome businessman leaving office stress-free because of supplemental IT support.

IT support when you’re away

Here’s a question about your IT support:

Who’s watching out for you while you’re sleeping?

Okay, that *might* sound a little creepy.


But seriously (in the most non-creepy way possible), who is protecting your data outside of the 8 to 5 workday? What happens when your internal IT tech is sick, on vacation, or busy addressing a different IT emergency when needs arise?


Many internal IT departments are very effective, valued members of the team. But even fantastic IT guys (like Lawrence!) can benefit from supplemental IT support.


When your IT department needs to take a supplement

Frequently, when you think of managed IT support (MSP), fully outsourced IT services come to mind. And for good reason — many companies hire MSPs to completely take care of their IT needs.

But an MSP (like Varay) can also serve as a complement to your internal IT team!


Sometimes, the optimal scenario for healthy IT support is a combination of both internal IT and an MSP.


Internal IT departments are often valuable, effective components of a business’s strategy and function.

  • They understand the needs of their users better than someone on the outside.
  • They are on-site, able to answer questions face-to-face.
  • They can roll their chair over to look at problems immediately.


Howewver, even great internal IT can benefit from supplemental IT support.


Benefits of taking a supplement(al IT support)


1. Less Stress

If you have an IT person like Lawrence from earlier, they’ve probably got a lot on their plate. Even for a very capable technician, IT support can be exhausting and stressful. In a complex environment (sometimes with compliance requirements), an IT tech often finds themselves in reaction mode: running from one emergency to the next.


Supplemental IT support provides internal IT with a team of experts that provide backup and balance their workload.


2. 24/7 Support

Even the best internal IT tech sometimes needs a vacation.

Or gets sick.

Or needs to go home at the end of the day!


But data protection is a round-the-clock job, and cyber threats never sleep.


Varay’s supplemental IT support can remotely monitor your business’s data — 24/7. We can provide support and protection when your internal IT is away or unavailable.


3. Extra Expertise

Because internal IT teams understand the company’s culture and strategy, they’re able to apply their expertise to ensure IT meets those needs. However, even the very best IT tech can’t know everything. It can be very beneficial to have “extra experts” on the team in the form of supplemental IT support. An MSP offers experience and knowledge from across industries to fill in any gaps in IT service.


And because of an MSP’s experience and research, they’re able to get resources at lower price points.


4. Focused Service

Like we mentioned before, an internal IT department is uniquely qualified to address the things that their business and users value most. But — as many IT personnel know all too well — there’s always so much “other stuff” to do.


Things that run in the background, that eat up time, and don’t involve interacting with users. Things that don’t utilize your internal IT’s unique expertise.

These “essentials in the background” can end up keeping internal IT from serving the needs of their users.


However, an MSP can take care of these essential, background functions that keep the lights “blinking green,” so to speak.


Some of these tasks include:

  • Data backup
  • Making sure systems are online and software is up to date
  • Monitoring for suspicious activity
  • Managing growth and ensuring the infrastructure is scalable
  • Finding and implementing the most effective IT tools for your business

These tasks are not only time-consuming, but take considerable research and experience to do well — and economically! As a supplement to your internal IT, Varay can bring decades of expertise in data protection, infrastructure, and security.

Supplemental IT support can offload these time-consuming tasks so that internal IT can focus on the needs of your users and your company’s strategy.


Businesswoman on counter in office, confident because of supplemental IT support


Even the best IT departments can benefit from the balance supplemental IT support can bring. We at Varay would love to help your business find the best IT solution for your company. Contact us today for a free assessment.


Written by

Amanda at Varay


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