How to Choose an IT Consultant

In business today the choice of a technology advisor can be a critical success factor in this article you’ll learn how to make the right choice. Maintaining your small company network in good shape is not an easy task, and you are probably perfectly aware that doing...

Change Office 2013’s save location

When it comes to software, Microsoft is one of the major tech juggernauts. Their software can be found on over 90% of computers, normally in the form of operating systems or office suites. In regards to the office systems, Microsoft will officially release a new...

Before Moving Your Business to The Cloud

Before you entrust your sensitive data to a “cloud” service provider, make sure you weigh the risks with the benefits. “Cloud computing,” largely synonymous with Internet-based computing, has become a hot topic of discussion among many in the business community, with...

Better server virtualization – 5 tips!

Technology advances so quickly that systems bought five years ago are now pretty much obsolete. If you want to upgrade these older systems you will likely have to upgrade everything. This can be expensive, so many businesses turn to virtualization for cost savings and...

Enhance networking with LinkedIn Alumni

Catching up with your friends at your high school reunion is all well and fun before the conversation turns to work. It seems like all your friends have well-paying jobs, and you’re stuck with a demanding one that’s underpaid. What if there were a way you could land...