Android security flaw uncovered

The security of devices used in the office should be a top priority for business owners and managers. It is easy to think that a fully functioning device like a mobile phone is secure, and most of the time it is. The thing to be aware of however, is that there are...

18 keyboard shortcuts for Excel 2013

Navigation and interaction with a computer is typically done through a keyboard and a mouse. In some programs, worksheets for instance, many users will rely on the keyboard simply because it’s quicker. This is one of the reasons why programmers have implemented...

Big Data supports decision making!

As a business owner or manager you likely need to make small decisions on a regular basis, and have likely gotten good at making them. There has also likely been a time when you have had to make a big decision that had a big impact on your business. This can involve a...

4 types of virtualization defined

There are so many useful business tools these days, most of which revolve around tech. Devices like the computer and servers have enabled businesses of all sizes to compete. The problem with technology is that it is expensive to replace, especially for smaller...

Facebook Ads: all it’s cracked up to be?

Social media is without doubt one of the most popular communication platforms. Since its rise in the early to mid 2000s, it has proven to be one of the greatest ways for a business to not only improve their brand, but increase reach and exposure. There are many...