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My Top 10 Favorite Tech Tools for the Office

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What you need to run your business like a boss

workes in the hallway super happy 300x200 2
Why are these people so happy?

Because they’re going paperless.

You’ve gotta try it. It’s such a liberating direction for your business.

And taking advantage of paperless and cloud-based technology can really free up your employees to get more done — with a lot less frustration.

But what’s the best way to go paperless?

What cloud services should you try?

Here are my top 10 favorite office tech tools

  1. Trello – I love this free tool for project management, enhancing team collaboration, and for task management. There’s a free version and a Business Class version that costs about 10 bucks a user, per year.
  2. Klipfolio — This dashboarding tool gives me a comprehensive, real-time look at how my business is running. It’s great for tracking our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). If that term is new to you, a KPI is a measurable value that indicates how effectively your business is achieving key goals and targets. Their pricing starts at $19.99 a month.
  3. VoIP phone system — You can’t beat the reliability of a well-installed VoIP system with unified messaging. Even if your team members are in different parts of the world, VoIP will allow you to have fast, high-quality communication — and send documents and images.
  4. iPad/MS Surface — whether you’re a Mac devotee or a PC aficionado, there are great, super-portable tablets available from both Apple and Microsoft now, and they’re one of the most useful office tech tools you’ll pick up.
  5. Cloud-based applications — When you move your work to the cloud, so many mobile possibilities open up. Take a look at some cloud-based applications like QuickBooks Online and Google Drive and see how you they can simplify your business.
  6. Paperless office — While we’re talking about Google Drive, going cloud-based with this or a similar service will let you access documents anytime, from anywhere. And it makes collaborating with other people effortless in real time, without sending endless requests and files back and forth.
  7. Slack – This is one sweet little messaging and collaboration hub that will help your team get work done better and faster. They have both free and paid options, and you can upgrade pretty easily from the free version whenever you want.
  8. Evernote/OneNote – Even if you’re stuck on sticky-notes, I really recommend checking out these note taking apps. Here’s a feature comparison between the two companies you might find handy.
  9. Tripit – This service makes personal and business travel carefree by bringing all your itineraries and trip details into one simple dashboard configuration.
  10. Mint/Personal Capital – I can’t say enough about how useful these online personal finance services can be. Both options are solid, and allow you to see information like your net worth, spending breakdown, credit score, assets, transactions, and great financial advice in an instant.

Want more tech tools?

Let’s chat about your business and figure out how you can make the most of today’s technology.

Contact us today to set up a free visit to determine your IT score and zero in on your business’s areas of vulnerability and strength. We look forward to helping your office more efficient.

Written by

Amanda at Varay


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