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Varay Managed IT Blog
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Our blog provides actionable IT insights that empower you to enhance your company today. Keep up to date with the latest business technology, cybersecurity practices, and more by subscribing below!
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What Is The Internet of Things?
The IoT is set to become more revolutionary than the cloud. Varay of El Paso is ready to connect you with a glimpse of the future of the IoT.
What To Do if Someone Was Phishing — And You Took the Bait!
Uh-oh. Someone was phishing— and you took the bait! Find out how to make smart cybersecurity risk management decisions before AND after a phishing attempt.
Are you shopping without a list? Here’s why it’s time to take inventory of your IT assets.
Taking inventory is a critical first step in acquiring business IT equipment. Learn how business owners accomplish this task with ease.
Traditional antivirus isn’t enough. Here’s why you need Next-Gen Antivirus:
Traditional antivirus software isn’t enough to cover your security bases — here’s how Next-Gen Antivirus steps in | Varay Managed IT, El Paso & San Antonio
How to be the boss of your back-to-school routine
Take back school mornings with these family tech tips. Streamline and simplify the tasks you hate most — the easy way | Varay Managed IT, San Antonio & El Paso
Varay’s Work-from-Home Strategy
There are benefits to a work-from-home model, but we think in-office is the best. Find out why we believe there’s nothing better than being face-to-face!
Discover why being in-person at work has advantages over working from home. Read our hot take on the work-from-home debate and join the discussion.
V-Scale keeps your business at the top of your game in two key areas
V-Scale provides your company with business continuity & scalability benefits, regardless of your circumstances. | Varay Managed IT, El Paso & San Antonio.
How to Make KPIs Work for You
Here are some examples of how Varay, El Paso makes KPIs work for us. We get real-time feedback and opportunities to improve with every single service call.
Protect Your Kids With These 4 Tips
Back-to-school means time to learn about online safety for kids. Here are simple ways you can protect your kids and give them security skills. | Varay, Texas