2013: The year of the vendor switch?

A new report suggests that 2013 may be the year of the great electronic medical records (EMR) vendor switch given that many EMRS are falling short of providers’ expectations. To come to that conclusion, Black Book Rankings polled roughly 17,000 active EMR...

Tips on creating dashboards

Humans are generally visual creatures. We need to see something to believe it, or be able to digest and use it. For most companies wanting to gauge their performance and success, they need to analyze existing data. The problem is, data by itself is useless. It only...

Are remote workers productive?

Technology has reached a point where you don’t necessarily have to be in the office in order to work. Many companies have remote employees and have had success with this idea. With the right hires, and defined roles, many telecommuters are just as productive as...

Do you secure your private information?

The Internet has become ingrained in nearly everything we do. There are many people who are barely disconnected these days. While this development is great for companies, that arguably get more out of employees as a result, there is a downside. In general, people are...

How to find file size on Windows 8

The operating system (OS) is an integral part of modern computers, phones and a good deal of other technology. The most popular OS is Microsoft’s Windows, which has become the mainstay of businesses around the world. Last year, Windows 8 was released and with it...