Cyber-crime and social engineering

For as long as there have been cybercriminals, there have been social engineers, or people who use tricks and scams to force other people to volunteer sensitive information. There are several ways to use social engineering to acquire valuable information like account...

Facebook at Work boosts communication

Facebook has been looking for new ways to diversify the services it offers. One such example is Facebook at Work — launching today. The new product is a way for enterprise firms to stay connected and share information just like the Facebook of yesteryears. There...

O365’s newest machine learning functions

Everyone has heard of machine learning, but not everyone knows exactly what it is. Although it’s extremely complicated, it can be summed up thusly: breaking human habits and actions into specific, analyzable data to create better software-based suggestions. It’s been...

Apple is set to improve cloud applications

The process of moving particular elements of the iTunes Store, Siri and Apple News to a secretive service known only as Pie has already begun, with more services such as iCloud and Project McQueen getting the same treatment in the coming years. Apple has said that...

Is two-step authentication the only way?

With all the recent hacking scares all over the world, you know and understand that your cyber security and your business’s cyber security are extremely important. However, when it comes to authentication processes, you may not be sure what the real deal is. There are...