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Is your email service keeping you safe?

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Email protection and security awareness training | Varay Managed IT in El Paso and San AntonioRansomware and spear phishing attacks have been rising steadily in recent years. To combat these sneaky criminal attempts to steal your data or money, many email service providers have initiated changes and bots that can detect suspicious messages before they land in your inbox.

But not all email service providers are handling the task with equal skill and care. Yahoo, for example, has a long way to go in developing better spam filters and allowing users to block large numbers of shady email addresses.

Find an email service with advanced threat protection

We often recommend Office 365 email protection to clients because of both the default protections they provide users, and the additional intelligent advanced threat protection solutions that can be activated in their email service.

Their anti-phishing technology uses machine learning and impersonation-detecting algorithms as an extra layer of security against cyberattacks. Office 365’s email protection tools reduce your risk of letting in a cybercriminal.

How? By keeping questionable emails out of your inbox and opening suspicious downloads in a safe “sandbox” environment to make sure they’re legitimate.

You can’t rely on email protection alone

Though it’s incredibly helpful to have an email service looking out for you, even the best email protection is fallible. But there’s good news! You and your team can identify and prevent spear phishing and ransomware attacks.

By creating a culture of cybersecurity awareness at work, and continually educating yourselves on how to identify current threats, you can build a human firewall. Security awareness training is one of the best investments you can make toward protecting your data from theft and malware.

Here’s a great video to share with your team and get you started.

Get serious about protecting your team from phishing emails

Varay Managed IT in El Paso and San Antonio is passionate about keeping your business secure. We offer tech expertise and security awareness trainings that can protect you from cybercrime and costly data loss.

Contact us today to schedule a free quote on security awareness training for your team.

Contact us today to secure your team.


Written by

Amanda at Varay


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