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Introducing V-Scale

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You can have your technology cake and eat it too.


Businesses today are rapidly evolving through the use of technology.

Though COVID-19 added extra incentive for companies to pivot to a more flexible work environment, technological advancements have been resolving operational gaps in businesses long before the virus.

For example, 2020 wraps up the fourth occurrence of the “Five-Year Life Cycle” in the 21st century, referencing the fact that the average computer only has a five-year operational capacity.

Companies that wish to remain competitive in this age of digital advancement must use upgraded technology to stay at the forefront of their industries. (In other words, it’s time for a new computer!) 

So it’s easy to see that staying current in the ever-changing world of technology comes at a high cost. To resolve the recurring conundrum of keeping up with your competition without draining your company’s bank account, Varay is launching a new solution that gives your business the benefit of financial flexibility.

Introducing V-Scale, Varay’s Infrastructure as a Service Solution


We’ll unpack the benefits of V-Scale in a moment, but before we do that, we want to show you the technical and operational problems we are resolving.


  • Business Continuity


Because of our current global crisis, your business was forced to quickly activate a business continuity plan. However, for businesses without these plans in place, they’ve had no choice but to make significant operational changes in the spur of the moment, causing work stalls, stoppages, shutdowns, and revenue losses.


  • Capital vs. Operational Expenses


While scrambling to create a remote work environment for your team, you probably noticed that your hardware, software, or other technology needed upgrades to accommodate your employees.


Your team may also be using some form of personal or non-office equipment, which opens the door to a world of security risks and liability. In addition to tech upgrades, you may be considering purchasing equipment for your employees. Unless your business differs from the norm, these are expensive decisions, and not ones you should make out of desperation.


  • Remote Infrastructure


If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s that remote work capabilities are no longer the exception to the rule. With the operational protection, perks, and cost savings they offer your business, it’s very likely to become the way of the future.


However, if your cloud infrastructure isn’t set up correctly, or if you don’t have a cloud system in place, your business’s remote functions become vulnerable to a myriad of operational inefficiencies, data loss, and cybersecurity risks.


We want to be clear. V-Scale is not a COVID-19 solution. It’s been in the making for many years, and its benefits stretch far beyond our current crisis. 


So, what is V-Scale?


In a nutshell, V-Scale is a “plug-and-play” IT infrastructure that’s designed to simplify and streamline your business operations and expenses. Through this new service, Varay can provide everything from secure data storage to the keyboards and mice your team needs.


With V-Scale, Varay helps your business create and implement a work-from-anywhere infrastructure through cloud-based services and office hardware, software, and equipment rentals.

V-Scale Benefits:


Secure Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is essential in allowing your remote infrastructure to function efficiently and safely by providing secure data storage and sharing capabilities. And with secure, efficient remote capabilities unlocked for your business, you increase your protection from even the most severe unforeseen catastrophes.


Secure Equipment Rentals

V-Scale offers businesses the ability to rent IT equipment that is secure, protected, and affordable. This gives your business complete control over the technology your team is using to conduct their work, so you can rest easy when it comes to cybersecurity concerns.


Financial flexibility


With this ability to rent critical (and expensive) IT equipment, your company gains financial flexibility by not being forced to buy these products at full cost.


And it doesn’t end there! Because you’re renting rather than buying all-new IT equipment, your business will be able to stay up-to-date with the latest advances in technology for a fraction of the money you would normally spend.


Scalability & Operational Efficiency


V-Scale makes the process of scaling your business a breeze. Your operational functions are streamlined, your company data is secure and easily accessible in the cloud, and your IT management is in the hands of professionals you know and trust. The cloud infrastructure that V-Scale provides allows your company to keep working, serving, and thriving anywhere there’s an internet connection.


All these benefits are just a few of the ways V-Scale makes your business more secure and adaptable than it’s ever been, which will protect your company from future threats and allow it to attain new heights and provide you peace of mind.


If V-Scale sounds like the solution your business has been looking for, meet with Varay today and learn how we can empower your business to thrive through COVID-19 and beyond.


Click here to learn more about V-Scale.

Written by

Amanda at Varay


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