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Did you hear the news? Cybersecurity just became affordable.

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How many of you sleep in a home with a security system?


Those locked doors, security cameras, motion detectors, and beeping machines keep us feeling safe while we sleep, even if we don’t really expect any intruders to come knocking.


Why? Because we know that if someone bucks the statistics and breaks into our home, we’re ready to withstand the attack. Unfortunately, our businesses don’t always have the same luxury.


Don’t get us wrong: a full-scale home defense system can reach exorbitant prices, but protecting your company from cyberattacks can be much more costly.


But it doesn’t have to be.


Here at Varay, we want to empower companies that are bouncing back from an extremely tough year and help them open their doors (physically and virtually), without breaking the bank.


Introducing V-Care Select, Varay’s affordable baseline cybersecurity solution

Our current economic climate has forced every company to face impossible decisions when it comes to resource allocation, and we recognize that IT costs are one of the highest line items on your budget.


But, we’re passionate in our belief that cybersecurity need not be compromised to achieve affordability. So passionate, in fact, that we designed V-Care Select to cover your company’s baseline cybersecurity needs for the low starting price of $100/month. Yes, you heard us correctly!


Woman using a calculator with one hand while using the other to put cash into piggy bank


How V-Care Select keeps your company in business:


  • 24/7 Monitoring: By catching internet outages before they happen, we minimize any potential downtime that would otherwise be detrimental to your business’s functionality. Don’t believe we can eliminate internet downtime? Read how we already have for Fox Auto Group of El Paso.
  • Expert help desk access: Our team of IT experts are ready and waiting Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to provide lighting-fast support that keeps your business rolling. Rather than paying high fees for short-term results, you’ll only be paying for what you use at a fixed hourly rate.
  • Anti-Virus: We see you hiding there! Protect your endpoints against the ever-evolving world of digital viruses through Varay’s extensive state-of-the-art virus signature database.
  • Anti-Malware: Even if you’re alert to signs of a digital attack like phishing, your employees may not be. Protect your company, staff, and data from corrupted hard drives, leaked personal information, and exposed passwords and usernames.
  • Patch Management: No one’s happy when you update your operating system only to welcome a slew of new software problems. V-Care Select lets you experience the benefits of an updated OS without the kinks through our process of patch testing and management.
  • Web Filtering: If you’re worried about malicious websites or decreased productivity while your team works remotely, assign company policies that will protect your team and increase productivity by blocking sites that aren’t needed on your work devices.


V-Care Select is here to help your business thrive by meeting your baseline cybersecurity needs at an affordable price. If this solution sounds right for you, or if you’d like more information about getting started with V-Care Select, fill out this onboarding assessment to see if your business is a good fit.

Written by

Amanda at Varay


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