EMR Incentives Lead to Quality ROI

Government’s incentives for electronic medical record (EMR) adoption could pay off in improved quality of care, according to a new study. It found that patients in physician practices that used EMRs got better care and had better outcomes than those in physician...

Disable Tab Previews of Internet Explorer in Windows 7

If you are using Internet Explorer and Windows 7, you may have noticed that when you mouse over an IE browser window, a preview of the open tabs in the browser is shown. While this is useful to give you an idea of the sites you have open, it can get annoying if you...

Changing the Default Apps on your Android Device

If you, for example, install multiple media player applications on your Android device, you’ll find that Android will give you the choice of which application to launch by default when you open a media file or document. However, you may later want to change this...

Facebook + Business = Growth?

While there is truth to the sentiment that social networking sites like Facebook can put a damper on productivity in a business setting, it is also true that Facebook can be used to help a business become a bigger online presence in its chosen market and help...