Which Smartphone Works Best for You?

With the mobile phone trend evolving into an all-around multimedia device, many people have seen the need to have a smartphone – for different reasons. That is why there are so many different smartphones that cater to different kinds of people with different needs and...

Why Cheap Routers/Firewalls Just Don’t Do The Trick

It is a misconception among many businesses that using a cheap, basic router/firewall is sufficient for day-to-day operations. But it is important to realize that there is more to it than just price – especially since more often than not, going cheap will only get you...

Social Networking and Small Businesses: A Marriage Made in Heaven?

The advent of social networking these days gives smaller businesses a bigger voice in the market, allowing them to rise to a level nearly at par with their larger competitors – and elevating the playing field to a battle of efficiency, cost effectiveness, and quality...