SMBs More at Risk from Cyber-Attacks

An alarming trend in cyber-crime is becoming more and more prevalent these days – the increased number of SMBs targeted by hackers and cyber-thieves. Security experts point toward the weaker security protocols many such companies have, making them much easier targets...

Measuring ROI (The ROI Series—Part 4)

Calculating the ROI of a Technology Investment, The ROI Series—Part 4: Cost savings are usually important to small businesses even in the best of times. New technology solutions may be necessary for survival and growth, however—and they may not be as expensive as you...

Eight Actions You Can Take to Guard Against Data Loss

Data loss disasters come in many forms, ranging from simple human errors to “acts of God” that cannot be controlled. However, you can control how you prepare for such occurrences – and the steps may be easier than you think. What would happen to your business if you...