Create and print envelopes for a mass mailing in Word

In Microsoft Word, you can use mail merge to create a batch of envelopes when you want to use envelopes to send a mass mailing to your address list. Each envelope can contain an address from your list. Learn how… Published with permission from

What is Virtualization? Is it worth it?

The adoption of computers by small businesses gave them the opportunity and platform to expand their business beyond local boundaries. Arguably, it’s the small business that drives economies around the world. To succeed in industries often dominated by a small number...

How to avoid your own Delta IT disaster

Earlier this year, thousands of Delta passengers worldwide were grounded due to a power outage that halted critical IT operations. This was a huge problem not only for the many delayed travelers, but also for the airline company itself. Within three days, the airline...

Android security flaw uncovered

The security of devices used in the office should be a top priority for business owners and managers. It is easy to think that a fully functioning device like a mobile phone is secure, and most of the time it is. The thing to be aware of however, is that there are...

Office 2013’s Research Pane

One of the features of Microsoft Office applications is the research pane. It used to be accessible from review menu of a Word document. With the release of Microsoft Office 2013, it appears that research button can no longer be seen under the review tab. However,...