Are your site’s images hiding an attack?

As more and more content management services are released to aid SMBs in online marketing, security risks also increase. One such helper is the image processing service ImageMagick. And while it has proven useful to countless businesses, it is now something you should...

Secret Facebook tips

Internet marketing has become one of the most important mediums for businesses of all sizes. Platforms like Facebook have played an integral role in allowing businesses to not only establish an online presence but also create brand identity. Facebook has many useful...

Office 365 surprises Insiders with Hub app

There is a new weapon available to business owners who subscribe to Office 365. It’s called Office 365 Hub, and it was recently released under the guise of the Get Office App in Windows 10. Learn more about the Hub program and how it promises to increase your...

4 password policy pitfalls

When it comes to the security of the systems and the data in your business, you likely have a good security system in place and your systems are largely secure. That being said, there is one common weak link that all businesses share – the password. If a hacker...