Public Wi-Fi Networks Pose Security Risks

These days, more and more people are on the go, and many of them bring their work with them. While connecting to public and open-access Wi-Fi hotspots is indeed convenient, using open networks also pose risks that endanger your security. While connecting to public and...

Here are 5 disaster recovery tips

When it comes to running a successful business, the last thing an owner or manager wants to think about is a disaster that could cause their business to go bankrupt. While there are many things you can do to minimize the potential fallout from any disaster, the most...

Improved internet security with 3 easy tips

Are you concerned about internet security? Did you know there are a few simple ways to get increased protection that require only minimal investment of time? We’re not just talking about changing your passwords regularly or installing antivirus software. There are a...

HD Shortage Results from Thai Floods

A worldwide shortage of hard drives is expected in the near future as many of the Thai-based factories continue to struggle with flooding. In the same way the massive earthquake and tsunami damaged Japan’s electronics industry, the flood crisis in Thailand is causing...

Four Apps to Help Boost Productivity

Productivity is without a doubt one of the more popular technology buzzwords nowadays. Business owners, managers, and employees all seem to be striving to increase their productivity but may not know the best way to go about doing so. One way could be leveraging...