5 reasons you need a Business Continuity Plan

As a business owner or manager, you know that running a business is not easy. There is always something that can put your business in harm’s way or hurt your bottom line; something that needs your attention. This is simply a part of business. But there are steps...

Docracy helps track Terms of Service

The Internet has seeped into nearly every aspect of our daily lives, it’s hard not to be connected these days. Think about the number of websites you have accounts with, and how all of these sites now have some form of personal information of yours. The question...

Charts in PowerPoint – Easy or hard?

Think back to the last PowerPoint presentation you saw. Did it have charts, graphs, or other figures obviously generated from Excel spreadsheets? Were they good? It’s not uncommon to see presentations with weak graphs, which can lead to the audience losing...

5 tools for data analysis

What exactly is data? Many define it as a set of values that belong to a set of items. Essentially, data is all around us, and we use it on a daily basis. Data, by itself is largely useless – think of the last time you saw a spreadsheet without any labels. But...

Ready for Facebook’s new News Feed?

The main way users interact with Facebook is through their News Feed. It shows what their friends are sharing, videos to watch, what companies you have liked are sharing, etc. Despite other changes to the layout, the News Feed has generally remained unchanged. That...