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8 questions to run a diagnostic on your MSP relationship

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Does your managed service provider (MSP) partnership need a diagnostic checkup? Like a computer diagnostic, asking the right questions can show you where your IT service is hindering your business from performing at its best. You can find out what isn’t working how it should and identify issues that could become big problems if they aren’t addressed.

Communication is vital when it comes to a relationship with an IT provider. Knowing what MSP interview questions to ask can help you evaluate whether things are great — or whether you need a reboot.

But how do you know whether your MSP is doing all it should to help your business thrive? Varay Managed IT’s client, Cibolo Nature Center, knew that they needed more out of their former MSP, but they didn’t realize the extent of what was lacking. They were aware that things weren’t right but didn’t know what to ask to identify the problem areas. This former provider did not prioritize communication and was slow to respond when issues arose.

Accountant team is currently evaluating the company situation to resolve impact of virus outbreak

Cibolo didn’t know the brewing problems until their server went down and they were unable to access their information. As their new MSP, Varay addressed the underlying issues in their outdated equipment and moved their data to the cloud instead of an on-site server. These improvements allowed them to continue working remotely and expand their company — even during the lockdown.

You can evaluate the health of your partnership by focusing on two particular areas: your data and your equipment. These 8 MSP interview questions can get the conversation started:


Safeguarding your data is a big deal, and your MSP should be taking it seriously. If your MSP is only backing up your information on a local device (like Cibolo’s was), a downed server or needing remote access can be big problems. Your data needs to be safe — but accessible! How’s your provider handling your data? Ask them:

  • How are you backing up our data?
  • Where is it being stored?
  • What are the security measures protecting it?
  • How can we access our information when we aren’t in the office?

Devices and software

Technology is wonderful — when it works! An MSP’s job is to make sure your business’s technology is current, effective, and sufficiently protecting your information. As our client, Fox Auto, found out, if your MSP is only maintaining aging equipment and software instead of looking forward to anticipating your future needs — you might need to reevaluate your relationship. Not to mention how outdated programs could leave the door unlocked for data breaches and ransomware.

See how your provider is doing with these MSP interview questions about your equipment:

  • Does our server software need to be updated?
  • When’s the last time we upgraded?
  • Can we set up a quarterly meeting to talk about progress?
  • What happens if we get hit with ransomware?

 interview in progress sign

Like we said, communication is key! If your business needs an IT diagnostic checkup, contact Varay Managed IT of El Paso and San Antonio. We’d love to help your business experience the confidence that comes with excellent IT service.

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Written by

Amanda at Varay


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