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Varay Case Study: Scalable IT in Action for Project Amistad

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Need a big infrastructure change? We’ve got you covered

Computer button that says scalability for scalable IT service | Varay, El Paso

Client description

Project Amistad is a wonderful non-profit agency that works hard to serve and improve quality of life for the elderly, people with disabilities, and at-risk populations among 36 West Texas counties.

In order to continue serving with excellence, Project Amistad’s 168 employees recently consolidated from four locations into a single site.
The challenge

Xavier Bañales, CEO of Project Amistad, knew he had to find an IT vendor he could depend on. “One of our biggest challenges was needing consistent, high-quality support for a variety of IT needs, but our agency also needed guidance through a complicated office move,” says Xavier.

They needed scalable IT services that would take charge of all the complexities and moving parts that would be impacted by the consolidation.

Office moves are easy with scalable IT services | Varay, El Paso

Our solution

As we sat down with Xavier and his team to understand exactly what it would take to make their upcoming move a breeze, it was clear we’d need to build a new infrastructure for them.

As luck would have it, Varay is famous for helping clients with scalable IT solutions. In fact, we have supported clients through exponential business growth, and we’ve always been able to scale to their needs.

Here’s what we did:

  • Created a plan to make the consolidation painless
  • Presented tech solutions to make room for their future growth
  • Matched them with the right cloud services
  • Simplified their in-office and remote communication
  • Coordinated with their telephone and internet providers to make the transition stress-free

While Project Amistad’s team was busy with the move, we handled every last IT detail of their complex consolidation.

And we had it all done over the course of a weekend. On Monday morning they opened their doors and served their clients without missing a beat. “There were no glitches at all in our ability to continue operations without disruptions,” says Xavier.

The results

The dreaded move went off without a hitch, and the agency is thriving like never before.

Scalable IT allows care agencies to connect with clients Varay, El PasoAnd Xavier and his team are able to focus on enriching their clients’ lives and working efficiently because they don’t have to slow down for nagging IT problems.

“Varay has been very beneficial to our agency as they have a dedicated staff person available during business hours and back-office support 24/7. They’re good, they’re quick, they’re accurate, and their responsiveness is high quality,” says Xavier.

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What you need to know about scaling

The most successful enterprises leverage services like scalable IT, rather than trying to cut costs with DIY technology and communication solutions.

And as small businesses boom, they inevitably outgrow “Dan in the van” IT vendors that lack the experience to create scalable IT plans for them.

The penny saved by using an insufficient IT provider ought to become a penny invested in services that actually prepare for and propel your growth.

Scalability can have a variety of facets, including:

Work smart by outsourcing your IT to a vendor who can be trusted to scale to meet your business needs every step of the way.

Grow without stress

Varay can create a long-term plan you can depend on to keep your organization current, compliant, and set on a path for growth. We have the background and attention to detail to make moves simple, so you can get right back to work with minimal downtime and no glitches.

Leverage our team of scaling experts and take advantage of our preferred partner status with hardware vendors to get the best prices on equipment that will grow with you.

Contact us today to set up a free visit to determine your IT score and find out more about how Varay’s scalable IT services can save you money and headaches.

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