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It’s the #1 most overlooked way to improve your business efficiency.

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Stop us if this sounds familiar.

Your company has one person in charge of IT that’s incredible at their job. That’s why you’ve never considered outsourcing your IT! You love knowing who your in-house expert is and when you can reach them. Plus, since they’re part of your team, you know they have your company’s best interests in mind.

But there’s one thing they do periodically that throws your business into chaos. 

They go on vacation.

That’s right, every time Jerry takes a much-needed break with his family, your company is left high and dry with no replacement to take care of the inevitable IT problems that arise in his absence.

We’re not advocating to remove your employee’s vacation days. (We won’t be very popular if that’s your takeaway!) Instead, we want to draw your attention to the very real, and very costly, problems that originate from being entirely dependent on one or two people for your IT solutions.

How IT processes and consultants empower business efficiency

Firstly, we want you to know that we’re not writing this post to convince you to ditch your internal IT department and hire us instead. On the contrary, our priority is to streamline your business efficiency through effective tools, technology, and technicians, including your own.

A small red wood block connecting with several white wooden blocks, symbolizing collaboration.

The best IT solutions come from collaboration, so the most effective IT strategies result from a strong partnership between a Managed Service Provider and a dedicated internal IT specialist. Additionally, strong IT solutions are the avenue your company uses to streamline every aspect of your business, leading to smoother operations, happier employees, and exponential growth.

Because collaboration is essential in creating long-lasting IT solutions, managed service providers give your business unique access to a multitude of qualified, professional IT technicians and software specialists, each of whom has different skills, strengths, and areas of expertise. When your IT department has access to that library of knowledge, the two results are strong IT solutions and increased business efficiency.

Business efficiency examples from IT solutions: 

If you’re considering hiring an MSP to work with your current IT technician, the collaboration of a network of IT professionals and an internal employee who knows your company increases business efficiency like nothing else. However, if you’d prefer to work with one or the other, here are some examples where an MSP increases your business efficiency on its own:


Going back to our example with Jerry, managed service providers give your company the gift of consistency. With a team of IT consultants, you have a team of individuals taking care of your IT concerns rather than having it all on one person’s shoulders. That means Jerry can take a vacation without your business dissolving into chaos!

Having a consistent, dedicated group of professionals that can see to your IT needs at any time is a major asset in strengthening your business efficiency. As business owners, we all know too well how a seemingly small technical issue can result in downtime, stress, and large amounts of lost revenue.


This is arguably one of the most important facets of business efficiency. How? Because strong cybersecurity can literally be the difference between a normal day at work and closure from a cyberattack.

We don’t say this to scare you. We say this because too many businesses are facing additional obstacles with the current rise in cyberattacks, and we don’t want your business to be next. Instead, MSPs can strengthen your business’ cybersecurity and protect your business from future attacks.


All businesses run on a schedule, and no matter how the schedule varies, quick and accurate responses from IT professionals are critical in increasing your business efficiency.

A black, vintage alarm clock on a yellow background.

This is an area where MSPs may differ, so it’s important to ask specific, clarifying questions about timeline and response times to any MSP that you’re considering. Here’s a few that we suggest:


  • How does my team get in contact with a support representative?
  • Do you have guaranteed response times?
  • Will you work around my team’s schedule?
  • How do you prioritize support tickets?
  • Can we reach someone 24/7 in case of emergencies?


These questions are just a starting point to give you insight into the efficiency and speed of the MSP that you’re considering. As an added example, increased business efficiency through timely responses is one of the major reasons that Fox Auto Group of El Paso loved our services.

Enhanced IT Processes

Israelmore Ayivor said it best when he revealed, “Be willing to pass through a short-term pain so that you can come out with a long-term gain.” 

In the case study above, Fox Auto experienced this firsthand by hiring us to step in and update all their outdated IT processes and technology. They’ll be the first to tell you that it wasn’t easy! In the long run, however, their business efficiency compounded exponentially, and now they’re able to use innovative IT solutions to make their business thrive, rather than just survive their day-to-day operations.

At its core, IT shouldn’t be the department that adds stress and confusion to your business. Instead, it should be the avenue your company takes to fill operational gaps, automate systems, make your employee’s lives simpler, and smooth out policies and processes that ultimately enhance your business efficiency and support your core company objectives.

If you want to learn more about how a managed service provider increases your business efficiency through enhanced IT services, {{cta(‘7e1a32a7-1f6e-4986-9e4c-6fb92fb031f1’)}} with one of our Client Success Managers.

Written by

Amanda at Varay


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