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How Much to Budget for IT, Part 2: The Hidden Cost of Old Computers

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Don’t be too frugal for your own good


“Use it up and wear it out. Make it do, or do without!”

That’s what my old boss used to say.

Turns out his frugal advice might have actually cost him more in the long run, particularly if he was under the impression that using an old computer was economical.

Using old equipment is one of the costly traps business owners fall into in their quest to stay in the black.

But if you think springing for a new computer is expensive, wait till we tell you the hidden costs of putting up with an old one!

Computers actually expire

Each piece of hardware is actually rated for a certain number of cycles or revs before it goes kaput.

expired_symbol_and_statementActually, kaput is a best case scenario, because usually you just slowly lose performance until you forget how fast and reliable computers can be!

We know no one wants to spend money on superfluous equipment when an old computer is running just fine, but the fact is if you go past the “expiration date,” you start gradually draining away any profit that piece is saving you.

If you want to maximize your efficiency and minimize the risks that come with old equipment, the rule of thumb is to replace PCs every 5 years.

But what does it really cost me to slog along with an old unit?

There are some expensive risks that come with tolerating a “trusty” old computer, like:

    • Software incompatibility — In five years, a consistently updated computer can go through 7 operating systems and a dozen updates to run the newest software. Change happens at a rapid pace, and eventually your old computer is going to tap out and lose the ability to run new software that was designed for faster units.
    • Stalled work — When your processor isn’t keeping up with the fast-paced demands of modern business and isn’t able to run new software, you and your clients will end up frustrated. The rest of the business world (and clients) will move on to where the work gets done faster.

Staying on top of your business game these days is inextricably tied to leveraging the best available technology.

Varay can help you make the most of a new computer purchase

Though we won’t deny that purchasing new equipment can sting the pocketbook a little, Varay would love to help you make the most of your next purchase.

We have partnerships with some of the world’s top companies, so we can save you money when it comes time to upgrade.

Give us a call or send us a message so we can work together to find the right computer for you.

We look forward to helping you succeed and grow.

Written by

Amanda at Varay


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