Is your business’s IT a jogger or marathoner?

It doesn’t really matter how athletic the people who keep up your IT are, but if your business is going to go the distance, it’s time to explore how managed IT services can keep you at peak performance levels, 24/7.
When businesses are content to do in-house IT management, it’s easy to slip into a jog — a pattern of quick fixes and overlooking potential problems that can bring your business to its knees unexpectedly.
Jogger running on a paved road when you try to manage your own IT services, you’re basically playing the odds, keeping a quality IT company in your back pocket to call when the worst happens, and making the mistake of assuming that this DIY approach is saving your business money.
Budgeting for managed IT service will actually save you money
It may seem like a no-brainer to keep your IT budget at a minimum, but we’ve found that the businesses that choose managed IT services save a bundle in the long run by:
- Running at peak performance: We liken managed IT services to the life of an elite athlete. When your machines, software, and server are running their maximum efficiency and potential, you save time and money.
- Minimizing employee turnover. You’d be surprised at the morale impact of IT frustrations like repeat issues, downtime, and crawling technology.
- Eliminating downtime. IT-related downtime can take two forms: time when work cannot be done because of IT problems, and time you should be spending doing the job you love, but have to reallocate to figuring out DIY IT solutions. Both are expensive.
- Preventing emergencies. This may be the biggest money saver. Managed IT services means we don’t wait for the phone to ring with an emergency — we monitor and kill potential problems in real time to keep you at the top of your game every single day.
But what about you?
The only way to know for sure if managed IT services will keep you in the black is to start asking questions.
We’d be happy to answer them, and happy to help you save money and headaches while your business runs at peak performance.
Since we’re in the business of saving you money, Varay also offers one price that can’t be beat: free.
Contact us today to set up a free visit to determine your IT score and get a feel for your current and future needs. It pays to know where you stand, and right now it costs nothing!