Google boosts security with physical keys

If your business is lacking adequate security protection, the doors are wide open to an attack from outside. To make things worse, security threats are constantly evolving and developing, rendering them more difficult to keep up with. At least Google is on your side...

Containers and Virtual Machines

Virtual machines have been gaining much popularity for the past couple of years, providing businesses with efficient data and application storage space that allows more to be done with less effort. But with the arrival of containers, another virtual storage option,...

Stay productive when working remotely

When many people think of remote working, they imagine a person lounging on the couch in their pajamas with a laptop. Does this vision stir up images of productivity? We doubt it. That’s why it’s important to instill the proper habits of a work-from-home culture into...

Bad productivity tips and how to fix them

Keeping productivity high is vital to the success of any business. And while many businesses stay up-to-date using productivity tips found online or from so-called experts, little do they know that many of those tips simply don’t work. Here we’ll take a look at four...

MasterCard’s new selfie verification

Love them or hate them, selfies are here to stay. And with facial recognition technology becoming both more advanced and more mainstream, selfies have now found their way into the online security world. MasterCard is the most recent global corporation to join in on...