Five Ways to get ROI from Your EMR

Most medical practices that implement Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) see a significant financial return on investment (ROI). Here are five ways that happens: You can see more patients; you’ll reduce missed appointments; your claims processing will be more...

Don’t let business fail due to disaster

Many companies in North America, the UK, and Australia tend to adopt an almost invincible point of view. They believe that disaster can never strike their business and are stunned when it does. This is a dangerous viewpoint to take, especially for small businesses who...

Learn from these security breaches

Imagine having your phone, tablet and computer wiped, followed by email accounts hacked and deleted, taking with them nearly your whole digital life. This would be a devastating loss for anyone, but it happens on a fairly regular basis. In the past few months alone,...

5 great file compression programs

Do you send large files on a regular basis and struggle to attach them to emails due to size limits placed by the email provider? While using email to send files is convenient, it can be a hassle to send large files. One way to do this, that simultaneously decreases...

Do you know how to spot spam?

Spam can be a number of things. The original being canned spiced ham developed by Hormel in the 1930s. Due to food rationing in Britain during the Second World War, Spam became a popular menu item, so much so that it seemed to be everywhere, in every dish, whether you...