How Safe is Your Company’s Boardroom?

Protection from the ubiquitous computer hacker is paramount for any business. Each year, billions of dollars are spent on security systems to keep confidential and sensitive data safe from those seeking to exploit it. How is it then, that we’ve forgotten about...

Phone Support Scams: Keep Employees Ready

Cybercriminals will stop at nothing to prey on the uninformed. Help your employees be ready for scammers who may call them on the phone posing as support personnel. With a little education, you could save your business a lot of trouble. Unfortunately, there are people...

Disaster Recovery 101

There are all kinds of threats to electronic data nowadays – hackers and scammers, sudden system or hardware failure, and even natural disasters – all of them can threaten important business information. This is why it’s necessary for you to have a data recovery...

Voice Tech for the Warehouse

Most of us have a voice, and we know how to use it. It’s one of the first things we learn after we are born. If this is one of the simplest things in human nature, why are voice controlled operations so few and far between in business? Is it time to start looking at...

FYI: Recovery and Continuity are Different

Disaster can strike at any time, and it can be as simple as a server or system crash, or as severe as the recent worldwide natural disasters. No matter what it is, the disaster will affect your company’s operations and potentially its bottom line, or worse — force you...