Are we On the Cusp of a Post-PC World?

Are we in a post-PC era as Apple would have us believe? Or is it a PC-plus world as Microsoft maintains? Some believe we are witnessing the dawn of a new era in which devices and operating systems will dominate our computing habits. Read on and weigh in with your...

Why Move Up to Windows 7 and 2008 R2?

It’s common for many businesses to forgo upgrading their systems when new software comes along – it’s not only expensive, but why change something that’s been serviceable and reliable so far? However, considering that studies and tests are showing...

Lock Access to Your Windows Desktop Quickly

Leaving your computer for a short time but don’t want anyone peeking at your desktop or files? Simply lock it. When you lock your desktop, anyone who wants to use it will have to log in using their username and password. One way to do this is to press...

Hackers Now Prefer Small Companies

Statistics are showing that small and medium-sized businesses are being targeted by hackers on an escalating scale. The reason for this is smaller businesses tend to have lax and weak security, making them much easier and quicker to steal from. In physics,...

Five Ways to Make Your EMR Usable

Lack of usability is often at the root of slow electronic medical record (EMR) adoption—but usability refers to more than user satisfaction. It’s not about the screens and the number of clicks used to navigate them; it’s about the functionality of the...