Facing IT Consumerization

When new IT is released in the consumer market first, gains widespread popularity, and is then adapted by businesses for business use, it’s called IT consumerization. While many see the pros of this practice, few see the cons – and in business, it’s...

Rename Files Quickly in Windows 7

With Windows 7, there are easier and faster ways to rename multiple files in one sweep. The first way is to click on a file’s name and rename it as usual, then press the “Tab” key to access the next file in the list. Another way is to select multiple...

Scammers Now Pose as Microsoft Reps

When someone who identifies him/herself as a representative from Microsoft calls you out of the blue, be wary. A new scam involves people posing as Microsoft employees and scaring victims into paying for bogus service and giving up credit information, by telling them...

Tips for Tracking and Remembering Your Passwords

Remembering all of your online passwords can be a difficult task. It’s just too hard to track all of the online accounts we have, especially as more and more specialized services become popular yet need secure access. Read on to learn about tools that may be...