Microprojectors: Small But Mighty

Whether it’s to clinch a sale, show off a new product or discuss a potential acquisition, the digital projector is major part of everyday corporate work. Welcome to the era of the microprojector. Read the story on PCW Business Center… Published with permission from...

What 2009 Rings in for IT Budgets

What will the financial crisis mean to your business’ IT budget? Will there be pressure to make existing IT systems go farther? On the other hand, is this a good time to buy? Read the story on Inc. Technology… Published with permission from TechAdvisory.org....

10 Hot Technologies for 2009

What are the new technologies that stand to change the way you do business in 2009 and beyond? Here are at 10 to consider. Read the story on Inc. Technology… Published with permission from TechAdvisory.org. Source.

Business Uses for Twitter

Welcome to microblogging, a new form of Internet communication that has interesting business possibilities. Twitter started as a personal service, where members answered the question “What are you doing?” in 140 characters or less. While many tweets, as the messages...