Master the hashtag on Facebook

There are numerous trends related to the different social media services out there. One of the more popular being the hashtag. These tags have seen great success with Twitter users and social media platforms like Facebook also starting to support them. Because of...

Converting Currencies Using Google

Want to do a quick currency conversion? You can use Google for that. Simply type in the amount in the original currency, then the currency you want to convert it to. For example, type in: “100 dollars in yen” or “100 dollars in Mexican Pesos”...

Instant Messaging for Business

Instant Messaging, or IM, can be a boon for any business because it saves time, improves efficiency, and even enables greater employee/customer intimacy. IM allows real-time communication and interaction between two or more people via the Internet, and its use is...

Find out your IP Address

Sometimes you need to find out your IP address for networking, troubleshooting, gaming, or tech support purposes. There are two IP addresses you may need to consider—your “external” IP address (the IP address the rest of the world sees to locate your computer or...

Format an SD Card the Easy Way

SD cards can be tricky little gadgets. They sit in our cameras and cell phones, just waiting for us to take the picture of a lifetime. . .at which time, of course, they stop responding. While nothing can predict when or where an SD card will die, proper formatting can...