Virtualization questions to consider

We’ve seen first hand just how beneficial office virtualization can be for small and medium-sized businesses. Of course the process isn’t as simple as snapping your fingers, or saying presto, and having a smooth running, virtualized office appear. It is a long process...

Cortana tips and tricks for an easier life

Over the years, the virtual assistant has evolved. First there was the Microsoft Paperclip (aka Clippy), later we had Siri, and now we have Cortana, the new assistant for Microsoft Windows 10. If you’re a Windows 10 user who loves the operating system just as much as...

Scenarios that might require BCP action

Do you know when to invoke your Business Continuity Plan? A lot of business owners assume they know when it will be required, but the reality is that it can be hard to determine when a BCP is really necessary. It’s important you are able to assess what is taking...

Interruption insurance for businesses

Natural disasters have increased exponentially in the last few years – something that has resulted in a number of small and medium-sized business owners turning to business interruption insurance for protection. Covering many scenarios that regular business... enjoy more productive meetings

When run effectively and with an objective in mind, company, departmental, managerial or even one-on-one meetings can result in big ideas, great change, and heightened productivity for your team of employees. On the other hand, if your meeting room is constantly...