Gamification for small business

Businesses who are looking to increase or encourage customer and employee interaction, while simultaneously boosting the quality and amount of data collected, have a number of options at their disposal. One of the increasingly popular choices is called gamification....

Like-gating to be closed on Facebook

Change is a constant process with Facebook and most of the time it’s for the better. Earlier this year, the social media company announced some pretty big changes to the Graph algorithm that powers search results. One of the more important changes companies with...

Save time by pre-drafting emails

As a business owner or manager, you likely send out a large number of emails each day. A certain percentage of your emails are probably sent to other colleagues, with the idea that they then create a message to send to a third party on your behalf. One way to ensure...

CryptoWall – the next security threat

Last year saw a number of highly publicized security threats that many companies struggled to deal with. One of those was some nasty malware called Cryptolocker, which held your files for ransom. While this has now largely been dealt with, news is surfacing of a...

New Windows Server bug discovered

The discovery of the Heartbleed bug earlier this year was thought to be the biggest security issue of the year. While it has largely been dealt with, Microsoft has recently announced a similar and equally large potential threat. While details are fairly scarce, and...