New DEA rule makes e-Prescribing harder

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is making it more difficult for physicians to prescribe opioids, and in doing so, has necessitated changes to e-prescribing. The issue stems from titles II and III of the Comprehensive Substance Act (CSA), under which...

Protecting your network

As of June 30, 2014, more than 1,000 data breaches affecting more than 500 patients each have been reported to the Department of Health & Human Services – for a total of roughly 32,000,000 people who have had their privacy compromised. And, according to the...

Using concatenate in Excel

If you use Excel there is a good chance that you have used a wide variety of formulas. But, when it comes to working out how to combine the content of different cells into a new one, without adding them together, many users will simply cut and paste. Did you know...

3 Parts of predictive analytics

Predictive analytics has long been employed by large-scale businesses to help make decisions and long-term business predictions. Now, small to medium businesses are starting to integrate these methods in larger numbers. A common stumbling block for many managers and...

Selling your phone? Read this first!

Smartphones and tablets have become one of the most essential devices for businesses and individuals alike. It’s difficult to imagine life without one really, but there will come a time when we all need to replace a device. If you are considering this then you...