Data in, buzzword out

One of your business’s most valuable assets is data, and ensuring its safety should be a top priority for your IT department. But what of the fact that there are so many different types of data nowadays? It seems like every few months there’s a new buzzword for the...

Data migration tool simplifies transitions

If your business has decided to make the move to virtualized servers and databases, there are countless variables you need to plan for during the migration process. In an effort to make the whole affair as painless as possible for SMBs, Amazon Web Services has created...

Firefox’s 8 hidden function upgrades

Warriors preparing for battle need to ensure they are armed with the best weapons and the strongest armor. The same can be said for businesses today. This means that web browsers that can house multiple windows just don’t cut it anymore; the ideal candidate makes the...

Free decryption tools fight ransomware

Similar to the shakedowns you see in mob movies where innocent shop owners are forced to pay “protection money,” deploying ransomware is a means of extortion. Computer hackers install it on your network to seize control of your company’s precious confidential data,...

How to solve these six Window 10 problems

There’s no such thing as perfection. This is especially true for Windows 10. While it’s highly praised for the removal of annoying functions in the previous Windows, still, there are a number of new issues to address: from the Window Updates that don’t function...