Why Peter Pan’s cloud migration would thrive

Think happy thoughts. Peter Pan knew the power of positive thinking more than any of us, which is why if he had a business today it would have likely been a great candidate for cloud technology. You see, half the battle when adapting new IT, whether it’s the cloud or...

Live video: a free way to reach new customers

Having direct access to customers is a gold mine for SMBs and with the increasing popularity of live video services it’s just a matter of deciding what to broadcast. The strategies for live broadcasting are very different than pre-recorded video and it’s important to...

How to promote your SMB on Facebook for free

The words “free publicity” bring joy to the ears of many SMB owners. You don’t have a big marketing budget, so you need to find ways to cut costs as much as possible. Luckily Facebook has you covered. There are several ways you can promote your business on the world’s...

Ransomware to begin self-propagation

One of the biggest fears security experts have may be coming true: self-replicating ransomware. Viruses that have the ability to copy and spread themselves to new systems are nothing new, but until now ransomware attacks have been targeted campaigns. The best way to...