Risks financial firms face

TTP’s stands for threats and tactics, techniques and procedures, the number of which has been gradually increasing since 2015. The financial services sector has long been the target for cyber criminals, where they apply a myriad of techniques ranging from...

Healthcare’s technological makeover

We may expect to find computers everywhere these days, from our offices, schools and airports to our pockets and wrists, but until now there’s not been much call for computers in our hospital operating rooms. But new technology is making waves in healthcare...

4 things you should know about the cloud

Cloud computing has proven to be a cost-effective necessity for small businesses. Owners can now breathe a sigh of relief as website hosting, email services implementation and online file storage have become easier thanks to the cloud. However, there are still many...

BI is not just for the big boys

Most of us don’t normally associate Business Intelligence (BI) with small- or medium-sized businesses; the large investment that has traditionally been required to hire specialist data-delving experts makes us think it’s the preserve of larger organizations. But no...

Save time with these 10 social media tools

You know social media marketing can be valuable for your business but, simply put, you just don’t have the time for it. And besides, you’re no social media expert, so the whole process itself can be unnecessarily long as you try and figure out what’s most effective....