LinkedIn tips for the SMB

As a small business owner, you may be a bit perplexed how to gain the most value out of LinkedIn. You may have already spent countless hours trying to leverage the platform with little success. So what are you doing wrong? And how can you make the most out of your...

4 steps to enhance your online image

The term ‘image’ is no longer associated with just pictures or paintings. In this modern day and age, image extends to how one perceives your business in reality and online. You can’t simply hit F5 and refresh an image you aren’t comfortable with. Find out how you can...

Windows 10 privacy protection tips

It takes seconds to infiltrate and obtain private information. And while it’s unlikely that Microsoft will cause your business financial ruin with their data collection, the fact is that Windows 10 gathers a ridiculous amount of private information from users. So here...

How virtualization helps cut costs

With the gradual integration of virtualization, many small and medium-sized businesses have seen many benefits that extend beyond their bottom line. Not only does it aid with cost efficiency but also with disaster recovery and several other areas of operations. Here...

Tips to speed up your WordPress website

We’ve all experienced the frustration of a slow loading website. While ten years ago, you would just have to grin and bear it as a site loaded with all the urgency of a sloth, today’s Internet surfers are much more impatient. Most expect at least a three second load...