Comparison of the top business dashboards

A dashboard is a single display that provides all the information you need to make important business decisions and facilitate the management of your company. While all dashboards are effective, you need to choose the one that works best for your company’s objectives...

Takeaways from the Ashley Madison hack

Regardless of what you think about the Ashley Madison hack, it is big news when it comes to data security. While your company may not be as big or deal with such a sensitive topic like Ashley Madison, you can still be at risk. This scandal can serve as a springboard...

What is behavioral biometrics?

Static biometrics like fingerprint sensors should make life a lot easier; no longer do we have to type in security passwords on our mobile phones, or risk having passwords breached. Still, this technology is only available on high-end smartphones, and is not...

How the Apple Watch is changing healthcare

Last week, Apple revealed a new app to go along with its Apple Watch that could permanently change the way Healthcare is provided. Through an app known as AirStrip and the new watchOS 2 software, the Apple Watch will allow medical professionals to connect with...

The facts about virtualization

Every IT company around wants to save you money and increase your efficiency. A lot of these solutions are pretty straightforward, but others, like virtualization, can be more complex. You’ve probably heard of the benefits of virtualization by now, but might still...