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Health-care predictions for 2015

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IDC Health Insights has issued its predictions for health-care in 2015, and just as one might expect, they revolve around cost, technology, and operational efficiency. Here are some of the key takeaways.

Cybersecurity. By 2020, 42% of digital health-care data will be unprotected. That creates a risk. By 2015, half of all health-care organizations will have experienced one to five cyberattacks in the previous 12 months—and one third of those attacks will have been successful.

Cloud computing. Hosted infrastructure will become key to data collection, aggregation and analysis, such as by 2020, 80% of health-related data will pass through the cloud at some point in its lifetime.

Mobility. Health-care organizations will seek to improve consumer experience, leading to 65% of transactions to happen on mobile devices by 2018. This will require health-care organizations to develop multi-channels that cater to various screen sizes.

Chronic-condition management. Around 70% of health-care organizations will invest in consumer-facing wearables, remote monitoring tools, and virtual care and the like in order to better manage patients with chronic conditions.

Big data. All of this will lead to more demand for big data. And, more than half of health-care organizations will manage it with routine operational IT by 2018.

Read more about IDC Health Insights’ predictions here. If you are looking to integrate better technology in your practice, please contact us today to see how we can help.


Published with permission from TechAdvisory.org. Source.

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